Alternative Income Streams (Hunting Lease Income, Farming Lease Income, Wind Energy Lease Income, Oil &Gas Lease Income, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Funds, Agricultural Land Productivity (crop tons/bushels per acre) Or any other situation that creates a cash flow from the property
Comparative Market Analysis/Market Value of Property
May result in the recommendation for additional studies, i.e. Timber Inventory or Discounted Cash Flow Modeling where multiple income streams can affect overall value
Report Findings
Where Timber becomes the driving value to a property we will discuss the development of a “Land and Timber” bid package to be developed and marketed to the timber industry, timberland investors, and private individuals on a sealed bid basis.
All other properties will continue to follow the more “traditional” listing and sales path below.
Develop Listing Materials
Discuss Marketing of Property including exclusive national marketing with LandLeader.
Execute Listing
Place Listing on Timberland Realty Website, Multiple Listing Service Websites (as applicable), with direct upload to more than 1,400 websites including Zillow, Trulia,, Land Watch, Lands of America, Lands of NY/PA/WV, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, Country Living, LoopNet, Ranch Line, Land And Farm, and much more
Place Direct Ads in Print Media (Sportsman-oriented newspapers, special “Outdoor Editions” seasonally, local newspapers, etc.) at our discretion
Advertise Properties at our Booth at various Sport and Outdoor Expos, County Fairs, Special Events
Develop Buyer Leads
Develop Offer for Property; discuss offers and counter-offers with both parties
Develop Purchase Offer Contract
Secure Deposit in Non-interest bearing escrow account
Work with both Buyer and Seller Attorneys to affect Closing